The PPGE/UFBA pursued the objective of effectiving and maintaining institutional exchanges with other national and international institutions, which took effect through covenants and partnerships through events, research and visit of teachers for seminars and Conferences. The types of exchanges and the breadth of cooperation are described below:
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) participation of professors in the interdisciplinary research network, linked to the Economics Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (RedeSist) coordinated by Prof. Dr. Eduardo Cassiolato. Responsable: Prof. Hamilton de Moura Ferreira Júnior
State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) and secretariat of the Environment of the state of Bahia (SEMAS): Research project economic valuation of natural resources in protected areas of the state of Bahia, being developed in partnership as the Master course in Economics (CME/UFBA): responsable: Profa. Emmanuel Gabriel
Graduate in Geography of Universidade Federal da Bahia: partnership with the Geographing project, coordinated by Profa. Dr. Guiomar Inez Germani (CNPq researcher 2). Responsable: Profa. Gilca Garcia de Oliveira.
Bahia State Development Agency (DESENBAHIA) and the Superintendence of economic and social studies of the State of Bahia (SEI): Master's Degree in economics, Universidade Federal da Bahia promotes annually, in partnership with DESENBAHIA and SEI, the meeting of Baiana economy. Responsible: Prof. Lívio Andrade Wanderley and Prof. Paulo Antônio de Freitas Balanco.
Cooperation agreement with the university Agostinho Neto-UAN-Luanda-Angola: This is the development of the teaching and research activities and the implementation at the level of a master of Economics course offered by the Faculty of Economics of the University Agostinho Neto. This partnership agreement between the main public University of the Republic of Angola and the Federal University of Bahia, aims to form technical frameworks of the undergraduate flow in the areas of engineering and social sciences applied, through periodic displacements Of the professors of the graduate program in Economics of UFBA-PPGE (Masters and doctoral courses) to administer disciplines of competition and economic regulation, economics of natural resources and environment, public policies and development, Regional development, economy of water resources, Industrial Organization and Energy economy, totaling with a direct participation of seven professors of the PPGE. Teachers move twice a year to Luanda where they remain for a week and teach classes that correspond to a total of 50 hours, and also the functions of guidance of the Masters and the development of studies and research at the center of Socio-economic research in the Republic of Angola. It is therefore about 60 master students referring to the years 2013 and 2014. These activities are based on technical, academic and scientific cooperation agreements inserted in the cooperation plan between Brazil and Angola and the activities involve the coordination of the project in Brazil-master's degree in Economics (2013) and program of Graduate in Economics (2014). The local coordination in Angola was the faculty of Economics at Agostinho Neto University, in the people of Prof. Dr. Fernando Vunge. The coordination in the agreement in Brazil was for Prof. Dr. Henrique Tomé da Costa Mata. There is a prediction of dissertation defense of about 10 local masters in 2015.
Université Paris XIII-France: In teaching and research activities involving the exchange of teachers from both institutions through workshops, conferences, courses and doctoral activities. Prof. Antônio Wilson Ferreira Menezes.
Geogia State University-USA: In teaching and research activities involving the exchange of teachers and students of both institutions through workshops, conferences, courses and doctoral activities, complementing the formation of Doctorates.
University of Santiago de Compostela: In teaching and research activities involving exchanges of teachers and students of both institutions through workshops, conferences, courses and doctoral activities, complementing the formation of Doctoral degrees, and plans for double-titration at Master's level.
In 2014, the program made efforts to invite an international standard speaker to stimulate debate and reflections on the methodology in the economy. In this sense, Prof ª was invited. Maria Cristina Marcuzzo Lecturer at the Universiade of Rome to present her article "A Methodological Agenda for New Economic Thinking ". It dealt with a crpitic and reflexixa approach that is contained in B. Dasgupta (ed.) Non-Mainstream Dimensions of Global Political Economy-Global Crisis and Labour, Abingdon: Routledge 2013, pp. 115-28; Chinese tr. In Review of Western Economics (China Renmin University Press) vol. 3, N. 1, September 2013. 24/11/2014. This presentation with the presence of the entire academic community of the Faculty of Economics, from undergraduate, master and doctoral students in economics, among many professors.