International Collaboration

Agreement on academic, scientific and Cultural cooperation between Federal University of Bahia and Agostinho Neto University, Angola

The purpose of this cooperation agreement is to develop collaboration between professors and researchers from both institutions, with regard to development of teaching, research and extension projects. The promotion of scientific events, the orientation and co of dissertations of Masters and doctoral theses and participation in examining stalls is contemplated. In the light of this agreement of academic, scientific and Cultural cooperation, concluded between Federal University of Bahia and Agostinho Neto University in Republic of Angola, and at the request of latter institution, through the Faculty of Local economics, It was inaugurated since 2011, a line of cooperation, in which the PPGE-UFBA took the mission of implementing and strengthening the master's degree in economics at Agostinho Neto University in Luanda, Angola. This task has been developed in partnership with Faculty of Economics of Angola.
Based on a plan of previously elaborated teaching and research activities-PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT and REGIMENT OF MASTER'S DEGREE IN ECONOMICS AT UAN-between two institutions-coordinating the respective postgraduate programs (UFBA-Brazil and UAN-Angola), Seven Professors PPGE-UFBA are moving annually to Luanda, where they teach at masters level, disciplines of Regional development, economics of the environment, public policies and development, Industrial organization, competitive strategy and Competition, the economy of water resources and the energy economy. In addition, there is a continuous flow guidance plan for the regular course entranders, which has a significant number of students per year.
In the next steps, the Angolan masters will have the possibility to come to Brazil to participate in courses taught by Brazilian professors. In addition, the Faculty of the PPGE/UFBA has had opportunity to participate in clusters of socioeconomic research in Angola, which signals the great potential for overflowing in terms of development of cooperation Brazil-Africa, in many other Dimensions of mutual interest of the two countries.

Coguardianship Agreement

Participation of Graduate Program in Economics (PPGE/UFBA) in Cocutela agreement between Universidad de Córdoba-UCO (Spain) and Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).
Student: Allan Tiefensee, who is attending doctorate at Universidad de Córdoba, in Department of Social Sciences and humanities, Programa resources Naturales y Gestión Sostenible, having as research theme: "Methodology of agroecological self-assessment in Socioeconomic dimension ".
Professor of PPGE/UFBA: Dr. Emmanuel Gabriel

1. Foreign students:

The PPGE/UFBA has received foreign students, having registered absorption from several countries, e.g. from Germany, Spain, Argentina, USA and several countries of Africa through Graduate Student-Agreement program. 
Annually, the program offers 02 (two) vacancies in Master's and 02 (two) vacancies in doctorate for foreign students whose countries of origin maintain agreement of Cultural, scientific and technological cooperation with Brazil. In 2017, two foreign students were enrolled in the master's degree, being one attending the doctoral course.

2. Split-Site Doctoral Program Abroad (PDSE)

The activities of doctoral internship abroad were initiated in 2017, through the use of sandwich bags, from PhD students of PPGE. This activity is seen as of great relevance, not only because it allows improvement of the students ' training, but also to help deepen ties of PPGE with educational and research institutions based abroad.

2.1 Student Paulo Augusto Meyer Mattos Nascimento Split-Site Doctoral Program 

The debate on income (ECR) as a more efficient and fair way of addressing these issues. This is a loan modality with payments linked to the person's income and charged by the same mechanisms that tax income or that collect social security contributions, with successful applications in some countries. There are also in the literature theoretical constructions that refer to tax solutions (graduate tribute) and solutions via equity instruments (contracts and options of human capital) to allow the individual to postpone the payment of the Their training costs. There are few possibilities discussed in Brazil, but which tend to enter the public agenda facing the fiscal problems of the Brazilian state and the deterioration of economic indicators of the country. The National Congress proposes to amend the Constitution to establish collections in public institutions of higher education or compulsory contributions from the graduates of the system. Public funding for private higher education has been constantly rediscussed, resulting in constant changes in the rules of the Student Financing Fund (FIES).
The research to be done at Australian National University seeks to advance the treatment and use of sectional microdata and panel data for study of alternatives for financing higher studies with different levels of public subsidies.

2.2 Student Geidson Uilson Seixas Santana Split-Site Doctoral Program

The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of “Bolsa Familia” program on infant mortality in Salvador, considering the possible spillover effects and the structure of local public services. Impact assessment techniques will be used.
The sandwich doctoral period will contribute to development of research in area of evaluation of public policies, considering space and public structure of goods and services as important elements of analysis and impact assessment.
In addition, the split-site doctoral program will provide interaction with a large research center with a strong contribution in the area. In addition, between Faculty of Economics of UFBA and Centre for Health Economics – CHE of University of York (UK) will enable new research fronts and exchange with long-term frontier researchers. During the research period in the CHE the orientation of this work will be on the supervision of Professor Dr. Marc Suhrcke who holds a degree in economics from the University of Trier (Germany), post-graduated in international economic relations from the University of Konstanz ( Germany) and PhD in economics from Hamburg University. Professor Suhrcke has extensive experience in health economics. The main part of his research revolves around a series of economic and econometric aspects of public health in low-and middle-income countries.
In turn, the aforementioned aspects denote the potential of this research plan for the increase in the research and Education network, and with the use of the most new techniques in the area of impact assessment of public policies. Similarly, it is verified that not only will an international partnership be established, but there is a possibility of expanding existing national partnerships. Moreover, by the aforementioned mechanisms, the results have a wide dissemination potential. Finally, it is observed the relevance for the economic development and social welfare of Brazil in the medium and long term to carry out the impact assessment of public interventions, because it allows to verify whether they occur and how the effects of interventions and Through which transmission mechanisms these effects are generated or potentiated.

2.3 Student Jamilly Dias dos Santos Split-Site Doctoral Program

The aim of the thesis is to estimate the loss of foreign exchange volatility, the rent seeking behavior and the heterogeneity of experiences as a cause of intergenerational equity in developing countries rich in natural resources. And, moreover, to implement an indicator to measure the degree of institutionality of natural resource-rich economies, so that this measure contributes to the efforts of these economies to improve the degree of institutionality and thus direct the best way to Income of natural resources, in the pursuit of the best economic development of these regions.
The sandwich doctorate will be held at the University of Illinois on the campuses of Urbana-Champaign. The intention is to be crowded in the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), which has as one of the objectives the development and use of analytical models for economic development. 
The proposed period of time in Illinois is from July 1 to December 30, 2017, a period that contemplates the school semester that begins in August, the Fall Semester. The teacher who will be the external research advisor is Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, who has several works in the area of natural resources, within which I highlight the Economic Welfare Analysis of the Legalization of Drugs: a CGE Microsimulation Model for Colombia.

2.4 Student Daniela Lima RamosSplit-Site Doctoral Program

University Of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign United States, during 07/2017 12/2017.

3. Participation in events and presentation of works:

PROF. Daniel Jeziorny
Lecture: Sustainable development: oxymoron or trajectory of social evolution
Event: XXXI Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de sociology of Asocicción Latinoamericana de sociology (ALAS).
Accomplished from 3 to 8 de diciembre de 2017 in La Ciudad de Montivideo-Uruguay

4. Publications on 2017

Author: Uallace Moreira Lima
Chapter: Productive Integration In Mercosur And Its     
Implications For Korea's Economic Cooperation With The Region
BOOK: Studies in Comprehensive Regional Strategies Collected Papers
(International Edition)
ISBN: 978-89-322-2435-0
City/Country: Sicheong-Daero, Sejong-Si, Korea
Dissemination Medium: Digital work/electronics - Link
Publisher name: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
a) Author: Uallace Moreira Lima
b) Co-author: Marcelo Xavier do Nascimento
Book: The Recent Evolution Of The Local Currency Payments   
System Of The Brazilian Economy
ISBN: 9785789302712
Country: Russia
Dissemination Medium: Link

